With Valentine's Day in February thoughts often turn to love. Anyone who has been in a relationship for any length of time knows that love is not just a feeling; it is an attitude of acceptance and a choice to make the relationship last. Habitual walkers say "I love to walk!" because they understand that a love for walking also includes an attitude of acceptance and choosing to love walking.
When you walk, encourage a friend or loved one to walk with you. The two most influential ways to do so are to quote a credible source, such as the American Heart Association or the Centers for Disease Control, and to talk about the benefits. People are more likely to be physically active if they are encouraged by the benefits rather than hearing a negative fear message.
Walking LOVES me! Just as love relationships are two-way give and take, walking gives benefits when you give time to walking. Research has shown that walking at least 30 minutes a day is beneficial in the following ways:
- Walking inspires by giving a person time to think and get creative.
- Walking gives hope. Physical exercise such as walking reduces depressive thoughts.
- Walking reduces the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and symptoms of arthritis.
- Walking lowers the risk of obesity and helps you maintain a healthy weight.
- Walking reduces your risk of osteoporosis.
Perk up your love for life in February and choose walking! Embrace the challenge positively to develop a lasting relationship with walking. Double the love and invite a special someone to go walking with you.
Jones, L.W., Sinclair, R.C. and Courneya, K.S. (2003), "The effects of source credibility and message framing on exercise intentions, behaviors, and attitudes: an integration of the elaboration likelihood model and prospect theory", Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 33 No. 1, pp. 179-97.
Robertson, R, Robertson, A., Jepson, R. and Maxwell, M. (2012), "Walking for depression or depressive symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis", Mental Health and Physical Activity, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 66-75.
Physical Activity, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention