Yoga helps your mental and physical health. There are a variety of ways to practice yoga.
Suggested Equipment: Mat or towel
Workout Directions: Hold poses for 3-5 breaths or 30-60 seconds. Complete poses on both sides of the body. Complete poses 1-3 times, two times per week. Breathe throughout poses, do not hold your breath. Tighten abdominal muscles and maintain core strength during poses.
Participating in this activity is purely voluntary. If you are not regularly active, it is recommended to consult with a physician before starting physical activity.
Yoga Poses:
var activities = [
"title":"Mountain Pose",
"desc":"Stand with your feet slightly apart. Stand with your weight balanced evenly on both feet. Tilt your hips backward and lengthen your spine. Relax your shoulders and lift your chest towards the ceiling. Hang your arms beside your body. Relax your face, jaw and eyes."
"title":"Warrior I",
"desc":"From Mountain Pose, exhale and step your feet 3-4 feet apart. Inhale raising your arms overhead and reach up. Lower your shoulder blades. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees. Exhale while rotating your torso so it is square with the front edge of your mat. Press your right heel into the floor and bend your right knee over the right ankle. Reach through your arms and lengthen through your back leg. Keep your head forward or look up."
"title":"Warrior II",
"desc":"From Warrior I, exhale and lower your arms to the sides until they are parallel to the floor. Reach from fingertip to fingertip. Keep your chest lifted, shoulders down and lengthen through your spine. Look out over front hand. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Keep your shoulders and hips open, not turned toward your bent knee."
"title":"Warrior III",
"desc":"From Warrior I with the right foot forward, inhale reaching both arms forward. Shift your weight onto your right leg keeping your knee bent slightly. Exhale, lean forward and slowly lift your left leg off the floor. Bring your arms and torso parallel to the floor. Lengthen the arms forward and move your shoulders away from your ears."
"title":"Triangle Pose",
"desc":"From Warrior II, inhale and press your left hip to the left and the right hip back. Exhale and rotate only your arms, raising your left arm to the ceiling and resting your right hand on the floor. Reach the finger tips away from each other, bringing the arms into one straight line."
"title":"Chair Pose",
"desc":"From Mountain Pose, inhale and raise your arms straight overhead. Exhale, bend your knees and sit your hips back and down while keeping your weight in your heels. Lower your shoulders and tilt your hips back so your lower back is long and flat."
"title":"Tree Pose",
"desc":"From Mountain Pose, exhale, shift your weight onto your left foot and bend your right knee. Reach down for your right ankle and draw your right foot up and place the sole against your inner left thigh, toes pointing toward the floor. Inhale, straighten your back. Place your hands together."
"title":"Eagle Pose",
"desc":"From Mountain Pose, exhale, lift your left foot up and cross your left thigh over the right. Hook your left foot behind the right calf. Inhale, stretch your arms straight in front of you. Exhale, cross your arms and twist them together, bending them at the elbow and bringing your palms together. Note: this pose is advanced. Modifications: do the pose seated or do the lower body separate while holding a chair and then the upper body while standing or seated."
"title":"Downward Dog Pose",
"desc":"Kneel on your hands and knees, placing your hands slightly in front of your shoulders, and your knees below your hips. Tuck your toes under. Exhale and lift your knees away from the floor. At first keep the knees slightly bent and the heels lifted away from the floor. Inhale, lengthen your spine and lift your hips toward the ceiling. Exhale, push your thighs back and stretch your heels onto or down toward the floor. Be sure not to lock your knees. Keep your head between your arms; not letting it hang."
"title":"Pigeon Pose",
"desc":"Kneel on your hands and knees, placing your hands directly below your shoulders, and your knees below your hips. Bring your right knee forward until it touches your right wrist. Place your right shin and foot toward the middle of your body until your foot is directly below your left hip. Straighten your left leg toward the back of the mat. Walk your hands back and lower your hips toward the floor. If you are not able to lower your hips to the floor, place a folded blanket or block under your hips. Press your fingertips firmly into the floor to help keep your lower back long and supported."
"title":"Cat & Cow Poses",
"desc":"Cow: Kneel on your hands and knees, placing your hands directly below your shoulders, and your knees below your hips. Inhale and drop your belly towards the floor. Lift your chin and chest, and look toward the ceiling. Relax your shoulders away from your ears. Cat: From cow pose, exhale and round your spine toward the ceiling. Allow your head to relax towards the floor. Inhale back into Cow Pose. Repeat the Cat and Cow transition for 3-5 breaths."
"title":"Child's Pose",
"desc":"Kneel on your hands and knees, placing your hands directly below your shoulders, and your knees below your hips. Touch your big toes together and sit on your heels. Separate your knees hip width apart. Exhale, lay your torso down between your thighs. In this folded position, reach your arms forward, lengthen your back and place your palms down onto the floor."
"title":"Bound Angle Pose",
"desc":"Sit up tall with your legs straight out in front of you. Exhale, place the soles of your feet together and relax your knees to the sides."
"title":"Wide Angle Forward Bend",
"desc":"From Bound Angle pose, bring your legs wide until you feel a stretch. Point your knees and toes toward the ceiling. Sit up tall, bend forward and exhale as your walk your hands forward."
"title":"Head-to-Knee Forward Bend",
"desc":"From Wide Angle Pose, bring the sole of your right foot to your left thigh. Keep the left leg straight with toes pointed up. Exhale, bend forward from the hips and reach for your left foot. Lower your torso toward your left thigh."
"title":"Wind-Relieving Pose",
"desc":"Lie on your back, with your legs and arms extended. Exhale and draw both of your knees to your chest. Clasp your hands around them. While holding only your right knee, release your left leg and extend it to the floor. Hold this pose for 3-5 breaths. Draw your left knee back in to your chest and clasp your hands around both knees again. Repeat on the opposite side."
- Physical Activity, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd Edition, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Yoga: What You Need to Know, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NIH)