Finding Healthy Foods

Gloved hand placing food in a box.

Placement of Food

  • Dessert items and sugar-sweetened beverages, when available, will be placed in an area of low visibility. Source: UM Extension
  • Display fresh produce, whole food items first and in prominent view for clients. This will help to promote whole food products and reduce the selection of more processed goods.
  • Display food products in baskets and bins to allow clients to choose what they like. Cover tables with colored tablecloths and have a well lit display area.

Fresh Produce Limits

Setting limits on the amount of certain fresh produce that clients can take will allow clients to benefit from a wide selection of fruits and vegetables.

Cleanliness of Pantry

Creating a space that is clean and inviting increases the chance for healthier whole food items to be selected. This will also increase the morale of staff and clients.

Track Inventory

Storage space can be a limiting factor for obtaining fresh produce. Track inventory of fresh produce daily to assess what clients are taking so that you can properly stock popular items. Source: UM Extension