Kitchen Safety for Kids

Spending time in the kitchen can be a fun and worthwhile experience. Before children begin cooking, here are a few safety reminders to review with them:
- Ask an adult's permission before cooking.
- Wash hands often with soap and water.
- Start with clean surfaces and clean cooking tools.
- Read recipe carefully and have ingredients, utensils and equipment ready before you begin.
- Fasten hair back if it is long.
- Wear clean clothes. Short sleeves work well.
- Be careful with hot surfaces and sharp utensils.
- Don't taste cookie dough or batter that has raw eggs or raw flour in it.
- Wipe up spills immediately.
Recipe Ideas:
Here are a few fun recipes to try:
Test Your Children's Food Safety Knowledge Before Letting Them Have the Run of the Kitchen, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
9 Kitchen Safety Rules for Kids and Families, Purdue Extension
This newsletter was reviewed and updated in 2022.