Adults spend a lot of time at work and many of us struggle to find the time to be physically active. According to the American Heart Association, we are spending more of our workday sitting as sedentary jobs have increased 83% since 1950. There are many benefits to increasing the amount of time you spend being physically active such as lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer. If it is a struggle to find 30 minutes to be physically active at one time, try 10 minute walking breaks during your workday.
- Determine the best time to walk – Decide when it works best for you to walk. Can you replace a coffee break with a walking break? Does lunchtime work the best? Or can you come to work a few minutes early or stay a little later to squeeze in a quick walk? There are lots of options.
- Leave a pair of walking shoes at work - Stash a comfy pair of shoes in your office or car. You won't hurt your feet by walking in your heels or dress shoes or have the excuse of uncomfortable shoes to skip a walk.
- Get a group – Find a few co-workers who are interested in walking at work. Help each other to keep motivated. It's also a great way to network and have work discussions while you are walking.
- Be prepared – If you prefer to walk outside or find it your only option, be prepared. Not only keep comfortable shoes available, but think about having sunglasses, sunscreen, a coat, socks or even an umbrella in your office or car.
- Walk and talk – Need to discuss something with a co-worker? A walking meeting may be more productive and healthy too.
Walking for Workforce Health Toolkit, Kaiser Permanente
Worksite Physical Activity, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention