According to the 1944 duet written by Frank Loesser, "Baby, its cold outside," this statement is true in most parts of Nebraska during the winter months. There are usually some 'nicer' days interspersed with those frigid ones that do allow a person to get outside to walk, but what about all those other days that you feel like your face freezes when stepping out the door? Have you considered indoor walking? Yes, you can dust off the old treadmill and catch up on some television but that can get monotonous for some people. Why not find an indoor location near your home where you can walk? Consider these tips:
- Location, location, location. Look for a location that you will be able to walk at a comfortably quick pace. For example: office buildings, schools, shopping centers, fitness or community centers, or even your own home.
- Ask permission. Before walking in a public location ask permission, find out if there is a cost and what hours you can walk. Many communities open public buildings and schools in the winter for walking. If you are walking in a business make sure you are respectful of their customers and employees.
- Check rules and guidelines. When using an indoor track check the rules and guidelines for that facility. Some have certain lanes to use and direction to walk around the track.
- Design your own walking circuit. Design a walking circuit at your workplace or home. Remember going up and down stairs counts!
- Look for EXTRA walking opportunities. For example, when you go to the grocery or discount store, walk the entire perimeter of the store before beginning your shopping. Once you start shopping go up and down every aisle.
- Walk and talk. Get up and walk to your co-worker to ask a question instead sending an e-mail or instant message.
- Keep track of your steps. Wear a pedometer or fitness trackers so you know how many steps you have taken and how far you walked.
Walking indoors could help eliminate one stumbling block to achieving your quest of getting in 30 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week.
6 Tips to Stay Active This Winter, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Take a Walk in the Mall, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention