"Small shifts in eating habits can make a big difference over time and do not seem as painful as big changes"

While not all Nebraskans are farmers or ranchers, everyone can relate to the seasonal stress and on-the-go eating habits of modern-day life. Food in the Field aims to leave you feeling energized and empowered in choosing an eating pattern that makes sense for YOU and your family.
After attending a virtual or in-person 1-hour presentation, participants will:
- Understand the basics of a healthy eating pattern and get tools for long-term success
- Learn how to prepare easy, healthy meals at home
- Receive new, healthy recipes that can be enjoyed at the table or in the field
- Gain tips for how to pack food for the field with health in mind
Free Resources
Check out recipes that can be enjoyed at the table or in the field and handouts with tips for eating healthy on the go.
Learn More
Food in the Field can be adapted to the needs of your audience through hands-on activities or specific workplace needs. Topics include Feeding Your Crew and Culinary hacks for Making the healthy Choice, the Easy Choice.
Book Now
Hay There!
Let's stay in touch! Hay There is our monthly(ish) newsletter where you will receive bite sized pieces of information to help make you make healthy choices.
Why It Matters
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), rural residents are more likely than urban residents to die prematurely from all of the five leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, unintentional injury, chronic lower respiratory disease, and stroke. Let's improve the health of rural America through:
- Make blood pressure control a goal
- Cancer prevention and early intervention
- Healthy eating & physical activity (to reduce obesity)
- Smoking cessation

Research shows it's not all or nothing. Any improvement has benefits over being stuck in really unhealthful habits.