Summer Cooking - 1

Discover Seasonal Cooking

Author: Georgia Jones

Summer Cooking: Eggplant, Corn, Potatoes and Tomatoes

Try the following recipes for starters from our first Summer Cooking Brochure.

Corn and Bean Succotash

Corn and Bean Succotash Recipe

This Corn and Bean Succotash recipe is a new twist on an old favorite. The new ingredient is okra with a touch of vinegar for zing and jalapeno pepper for a little heat!

Download our Summer Cooking Brochure I for a copy of the Corn and Bean Succotash.

Tomato Jam

Tomato Jam Recipe

Got lots of tomatoes? Try making some fresh tomato jam. When fresh tomatoes aren't in season, you can use canned, diced tomatoes in this recipe.

Tomato Jam is a sweet and savory addition to chicken and fish.

Download our Summer Cooking Brochure I for a copy of the Tomato Jam Recipe.

Corn Chowder

Corn Chowder Recipe

Soup is not just for winter anymore. Try Corn Chowder for a nice summer soup. Tastes great with fresh corn from a farmers' market!

Download our Summer Cooking Brochure I for a copy of the Corn Chowder Recipe.

Eggplant and Red Pepper Salad

Eggplant and Red Pepper Salad

Eggplant and red peppers make for a nice change in summer salads. It's like a trip to the Mediterranean.

Download our Summer Cooking Brochure I for a copy of the Eggplant and Red Pepper Salad Recipe.

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Georgia Jones

During the day I am an associate professor and extension food specialist at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. But at night I am a connoisseur of all things food. Eating locally is a great way to enjoy new and different foods. Visit your local farmers markets for seasonal produce. Your farmer and UNL-Extension are excellent resources for using local produce. See you at the market, yeh, we go too!

~ Georgia Jones 

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